Howard Stern has reportedly secured a running mate for a 2024 presidential run that the shock jock claims to be seriously considering. During the Wednesday episode of his show, Stern informed co-host Robin Quivers that Oscar-winning actor Bradley Cooper has agreed to join the ticket.

“This guy is gonna bring in the female vote like you wouldn’t believe,” Stern said before revealing how Cooper was the first and only person he asked, which made the whole process surprisingly easy. “He said yes, so my search is over.” Via HuffPost:

Stern said he received a congratulations text from the “A Star is Born” filmmaker when Stern touted his presidential bid this week. Stern said he used the chance to ask Cooper if he’d be his vice president. “Done,” was Cooper’s reported response.

Cooper expressed concerns about being “another white male,” Stern said, but the so-called King of All Media reassured the “Maestro” star that he’d be “such an asset, people will understand.”

Of course, the announcement of a Stern/Cooper ticket is making it harder to sell the shock jock’s president run as a serious endeavor. Granted, Stern is genuinely mad about Roe v. Wade being overturned and wants to add five more justices to the Supreme Court to counteract Clarence Thomas who’s “sitting there like Darth Vader,” but the likelihood of Stern launching a successful presidential run is pretty slim.

However, when it comes to stirring up attention, Stern is one of the best. Following the news of his presidential run, which quickly went viral, he once again set social media moment ablaze by having a “hot mic” moment where he claimed to be working on a Doctor Doom project for Marvel that even diehard fans didn’t know about. Was he trolling? Possibly. But as we’ve seen with Trump, getting eyeballs can get you very far in a presidential election.

(Via HuffPost)
