
“I fell in love with my husband all over again seeing him with my baby daughter. We had placed all our bets on it being a boy, but one of my most amazing memories is when I heard him go batshit, screaming, ‘Our girl’s here! Our girl’s here!'”

“And he who NEVER danced now dances to ‘Baby Shark’ when he comes home from work, and I love it. We’ve been together for 12 years, married for four, and parents for 9 months, and it couldn’t get better!”

—Aishwarya Lahiri Khannal, Facebook

“I love seeing how me and my partner grow as people after having a child. My spouse was absolutely meant to be a parent, and seeing him and my son play and be silly brings a light to my life that I never knew before.”


“Parenting is exhausting and hard, and yes, your relationship changes. But seeing your spouse grow as a parent makes you love them that much more. Then you have moments when your child does something new and you meet your spouse’s eyes, both thinking, ‘We made this amazing tiny human.’ Those moments are the sweetest to share.”

—Mackenzie Miller Bingham, Facebook

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/asiawmclain/how-relationships-changed-after-having-kids