Sometimes in life, not giving AF is the best way to handle things and approach all situations.

Because there’s no doubt that most of us stress out WAY more than we should and worry about things that we don’t have any control over.

So how do you get to the point of not giving AF?

Check out what AskReddit users had to say about this.

“When you apply the definition of insanity to a situation you have with a person – you try over and over and over again and they don’t change, nothing changes – you finally learn to not care.”

“I’ve had several people ask me how I’m “so chill” essentially all the time.

The answer is I simply don’t waste mental and emotional energy on worthless things or things I can do nothing about.

Seems like a foreign concept to some people. I care a LOT about the things I do care about, I would be miserable if I also attempted to care about every single other thing.”

“I just read a passage in a book about cognitive behavior therapy, and chasing constant happiness creates the total opposite effect.

It’s easier and better to process any emotions as they come and don’t fight them whether positive or negative.”

“Someone once told me “ stress is non existent, people can buy into it if they want. I refuse to”.

I don’t exactly agree with him, but I think about it often, and he was a VERY relaxed dude.”

“As you get older, you have less and less f**ks to give.

You even get less back from others, hence why you have less to give back out.”

“There’s certain things giving lots of f**ks about literally doesn’t change a d**n thing, and then some things even a tiny f**k makes it materially better.

You live and you learn to discern the two. Once I started looking at things that way, suddenly it got real easy to stop giving a f**k about a lot of things.”

“8 years in retail.

Nothing breeds utter contempt for humans faster than any amount of time in a retail job.”

“When you’re inundated with so much bulls**t for so long, you can’t keep up with the s**t, and finally give up and say f**k it.

I do it all the time. I’m losing patience for a lot of things.”

“I don’t have the energy.

If I’m gonna be wasting my time, I’d rather do it whining on Reddit than fretting over what someone will think of my outfit, or whether a stranger noticed that I held the door for them, or letting the fact that someone took my parking spot ruin my day.

Just don’t have the energy to let every little thing become A Whole Thing.”

“For me, it was a conscious decision.

I’m just tired of everybody’s bulls**t. I’m tired of their politics, religion, social and economic issues, vanity, narcissism, lack of critical thinking and reason, etc, etc, etc…

I only have so much energy. It’s just impossible to fight that many battles, on that many fronts. So I learned (taught myself) how to white noise it all.

Alternatively, I choose to focus on the things that bring me peace. Instead of partaking in the things that bring everyone else anxiety, stress, depression, anger, etc.

It’s not worth it. We build a life upon constant struggle, and then we d**. For what? Better to live in the peace, enjoy whatever small joys we are offered, and check out gracefully.”

“Two options.

Be a miserable f**k who no one likes and act like you are happier this way and do things without expecting validation from others.


Be the best version of yourself and notice people still talk s**t about you, then realize that you’re f**king awesome and keep living as you are which indirectly tells them to go f**k themselves.”

“The key is having a strong sense of identity and self-worth.

When you know who you are, what’s important to you, and where you find your value, you can much more easily filter through the things others say about you and pick out what’s actually important vs what’s just the complaints of a passerby.

Recently I had a bunch of people roasting me in response to a comment I made about a safety concern, and I was entirely unfazed because I’m very firm and confident in my level of caution.”
