History Geyikli Baba who saved Ertugrul Ghazi’s life from the Mongols in season 2 🦌

Geyikli was a real character who was known to be with his Deers. He travelled to Anatolia from Azerbaycan, Hoy. You can find him with name: “Geyikli Baba” in Ottoman history, who became religious teacher to Turgut Alp.🗡️🦌

Geyikli Baba and his followers were known to be riding Deers and joined to conquest of İnegöl (we know Turgut Alp conquered as commander) and other lands. Turgut Alp wanted to introduce Geyikli to Orhan Gazi (Grandson of Ertuğrul) and Orhan Gazi wanted to give him İnegöl and surrounding lands after meeting with him. But Geyikli replied: “Property belongs to Allah, He gives it to those who are competent to use, we (me and my folk) are not competent.” But Orhan Gazi insisted. Then Geyikli feared there will be pride appearing in his heart if he insists to not accept and then he said:💞

“There is a hill in front of us, so let the slope of the hill be the courtyard of dervish!” then Orhan Gazi was rumored to kiss his hand a lot of times, then he granted him the land he asked that is enough to build a mosque for Allah there.🏞️

Then he and his followers settled there and they were known to teach Islam there. Today same location has his tomb next to that mosque.🕌

Among the below pictures, you can see his tomb. And in the same picture, you can notice Deer Antlers hanged on the right side.🕌

Zain Alabdeen ❤️🖋️