Wow… this one is quite a tale.

Every set of siblings has had an occasion to want or need to get back at one another for something – and I would guess a fair amount of time someone goes too far.

There’s that, and then there’s this story, in which OP goes so far there’s no way he can even still see the lines he crossed.

OP starts out by explaining the family dynamic, in which of three siblings, the youngest brother has always been spoiled and coddled. Because of this, OP says he’s not very close to that brother or his parents.

I (35m) have a young brother “Todd” (29m) who had a complicated birth and had to stay a month in the ICU and because of that my parents have always doted on him and almost denied him nothing, even if it was to the detriment of my sister “Abby” (32f) and I. My brother drinks in on the attention and has on more than one occasion made himself the center of attention at either my, my sister’s, or a cousin’s special event.

Because of this Abby and I have a strained relationship with Todd and our parents.

His brother likes to do things like announce a pregnancy at another siblings baby shower, for example – so when OP was planning to get married and found out his brother had bought a ring for his baby mama, he basically uninvited him.

Unfortunately, Todd met and fell in love with “Lucy” (24f) who announced her own pregnancy at the baby shower my mom held for Abby.

When I proposed to my wife “Michelle” (30f) I just wanted to elope but she really wanted her family to be there so I invited my family out of obligation.

While out my best man “Jim” (35m) noticed a receipt from a jewelry store slipped out of Todd’s pocket. Jim confronted Todd about this which led to an argument.

OP assumed his brother planned to try to steal the spotlight by asking his girlfriend to marry him at his wedding, and OP was having none of it.

Jim told me everything and I told Todd that he was no longer going to be a groomsman because I knew he was going to propose at my wedding.

Todd cried to our parents and which led to a blow out.

His parents convinced him he was overreacting so, after extracting a promise from the brother that he would not be getting down on one knee, allowed him to be at the wedding.

In my parents’ eyes, since Todd never admitted that he was going to propose to Lucy at my wedding I was unfairly judging him. I refused and brought up Todd’s past behavior.

My parents couldn’t refute this and got Todd to agree to not try anything at my wedding.

This wasn’t enough to convince me to let him be a groomsman but I warned him that if, as a guest, he’d try anything I would make him regret it.

That said, OP had a backup plan.

Fast forward to the wedding and surprise surprise Todd walked over to Lucy and proposed to her during Michelle’s father-daughter dance and did it in a way so that EVERYONE would notice.

When his brother did start to propose, he put it into action, having a friend confront his brother and pretend to be pregnant with his baby.

Cue my revenge, Jim and I had hired a woman to pretend to be Todd’s side piece who cornered Todd and Lucy and claimed that she was pregnant with his baby.

Todd denied this but when she called his phone, I gave her his number and messed with Todd’s phone to incriminate him, it didn’t look good.

The girlfriend refused the proposal and now won’t speak to him or allow him to see their child.

Lucy threw the ring back at Todd and left in tears.

When Todd saw the smile on my face he knew that it was me and I didn’t respond to a single call/text from him or my parents until after the honeymoon. Lucy has thrown Todd’s stuff out and has been denying access to their kid.

Todd is furious and is demanding that I clear his name. I sent him a text saying that I had no idea what he was talking about as well as a screenshot of a bill for the wedding and gave a vague message demanding reimbursement for half of the wedding costs.

Michelle knew the whole time what I was planning and gave me the green light after Todd ruined her moment with her dad, so I felt pretty good but now even Abby thinks I went too far.

Everyone except OP’s now-wife thinks he went too far, but what about Reddit?

Let’s find out!

The top comments can’t get past how incredibly messed up their entire family seems to be.

Screen Shot 2023 08 28 at 9.31.29 PM His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Image Credit: Reddit

Though this person was quick to try to pass any blame off to the parents.

Screen Shot 2023 08 28 at 9.31.56 PM His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Image Credit: Reddit

This commenter disagrees, saying OP is old enough to have acted more appropriately, given the fact that innocent kids are involved.

Screen Shot 2023 08 28 at 9.32.18 PM His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Image Credit: Reddit

And this person has the guts to tell OP what they did was way out of proportion.

Screen Shot 2023 08 28 at 9.33.41 PM His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Image Credit: Reddit

Then again, OP did warn him…

Screen Shot 2023 08 28 at 9.34.39 PM His Brother Ruined His Wdding, So He Hired A Woman To Act Like She Was Seeing His Brother To Ruin His Proposal. Is This Family Doomed?

Image Credit: Reddit

I tend to agree with the people who say this was way too far (as I said in the opening).

But maybe that’s just because my family is…not like this one. At all.
