The weight of the sword of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed (RA) was 35 kg. This was the time when iron was used, the furnaces were of low heat. One in the right hand and one in the left hand, that is seventy kilos, maybe ninety-nine percent of the people of today could not lift a sword. used to be crippled, a person who lifts a weight expends twice as much force as it takes to lift, and if he is wearing armor, it is up to his elbows. The weight of the shield is also a good feature. Today, a fully equipped soldier carries 25 kg, in which the weight of the gun is only three and a half kg, water, two liters of gunpowder and a little food, but two swords of 35 kg, that is, carrying seventy kg and controlling the horse to the target. Bending and cutting the neck with the sword was only the work of the lions of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.