Speaking of only being three months into a relationship, people also felt like that was way too soon for big fights like this to pop up. It’s supposed to be the honeymoon phase, but he already appears to be showing his true colors.

“You think that you love him after only three months, and maybe you do, but that doesn’t change the fact that he lost his temper at you during what is normally the most well-behaved and romantic time in a young relationship,” u/Beeesh1 said. “This is showing you who he really is. You absolutely should not consider lending him the money, and I am honestly feeling alarmed that despite you knowing in your heart that you shouldn’t lend him money, his attitude towards you is making you think that you are in the wrong. This is emotional manipulation from him, and he probably won’t ever pay you back. “

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/woman-refuses-to-loan-boyfriend-5000-dollars