Figuring Out Love Languages With My Husband Changed The Entire Way We Communicate

I met my husband years before we started dating. It’s true — we were legitimate close friends and helped each other navigate completely different relationships for years. Sure, our other boyfriends and girlfriends at the time weren’t really thrilled with our friendship, but we kept things legit. I always knew I had chemistry with my husband. But I also knew, in the back of my head, that a haphazard relationship would really ruin our friendship.

The reason being, we’re completely different people. We don’t like a lot of the same music or movies, but it even goes beyond that. I’m the type of person who needs to get tasks done immediately. I try to answer back to relevant emails immediately after I get them, while he forms a block of time during the day when online communication occurs. He needs lists to check off, while I depend on my brain. Both methods come with a bunch of pros and cons.

I have a feeling that if we happened to date right around the time we met, we would have maybe lasted a year, tops. Since back then, in our early 20s, those differences would have been too tough to navigate. These days we’ve been married for seven years and together for over a decade. But, it’s required a lot of work. And the love languages were a huge part of that, even though a lot of people roll their eyes when they hear the phrase.

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