‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ Star Patricia Heaton Shares She Quit Drinking At 60 For Her Grandkids

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Patricia Heaton, the star of Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle, recently released a new book about self-reinvention. As such, she’s been making the media rounds. At the age of 62, Patricia is feeling better than ever about her life, and she’s been really upfront about sharing that. In fact, Patricia has opened up about her decision to quit drinking.

Patricia was recently interviewed by Parade magazine, and she dropped a new bit of information: She’s been sober for two years. She says she misses drinking but that being sober is definitely worth it:

“I quit drinking two years ago in July. I miss it terribly, but at the end of the day, I feel better. I noticed that I was looking forward every night to cocktails. And if I happened to go to lunch, I might have a glass of wine or Prosecco. There’s an actual statistic that women who were moderate drinkers in their 30s and 40s often become alcoholics in their 50s and 60s.”

Patricia also shared that for her, she feels that her children growing up and leaving her home made it easier to give in to her impulse to drink.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/patricia-heaton-quit-drinking/