Dog on the Phone | Know Your Meme

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Dog on the Phone is a three panel exploitable image that features a dog in an office space with a phone to his ear. The expression on the dogs face changes from excited, in the first panel, to worried in the final bottom panel.


On January 24th, 2019, Redditor ShampooBeer posted a picture to the Aww subreddit with the caption “My boss brought her 100+ Pound Lab to work and he’s trying to take my job.” The post gained 30,900 points (97% upvoted) and over 400 comments on its first day (shown below).

Labrador Retriever Dog Vertebrate Dog breed Canidae Mammal Labrador retriever Carnivore Retriever Sporting Group Companion dog Snout Puppy


On the same day, Redditor TrudieBeakman posted the same image to the MemeEconomy subreddit with the caption “A lot of potential here!” The post gained 827 points (98% upvoted) and 211 comments within 24 hours. The comments of this post have the first variations of the image. Redditor MyNameIsAVerb posted an image of the dog reaching another dog over the phone to talk to him about his cars warranty. The comment gained 39 points (shown below, left). Another Redditor posted an image to the comments featuring the dog making a joke about collar id. The post garnered 28 points (shown below, right).

May I speak with dog? Yes hello? Yes this is doq... IM CALLING ABOUTYOUR CARS EXTENDED WARRANTY "Wowi never talked t dog on the phone before "Wanna hear ajoke? What does a dog and a phone have in common? u/akayodz "They both have callar lD."

On January 25th, the image spread to the Dankmemes subreddit. Redditor pineapple-1001 posted a variation with the caption “when your precious owner calls you but then you hear another dog barking in the background.” The post accumulated 311 points (98% upvoted) in one day (shown below, left). An hour later, Fear_of_Bricks posted the image with the excited dog as “Opening reddit after a few hours after posting a meme” and the last panel “Your post was removed.” The post gained 3,800 points (99% upvoted) in a few hours (shown below, right).

When your precious owner calls you but then you hear another dog barking in the background opening Reddit after a few hours after posting a meme me me I0 our post was removed" me

Various Examples

opening Reddit after a few hours after posting a meme me me I0 our post was removed" me Hello? Yes, this is Do What do you mean the cats in my bed? Instagram memes are funnier than r/dankmemes i,is kx *Has idea for eme* Spends me time making the meme* Me u/dcxr 7orange arrows When she asks who's a good boy but not how's the good boy One new otification Opens reddit* "f this is a dank meme, upvote his comment

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