Does Meredith Grey Die in Season 17 of ‘Grey’s Anatomy’? Spoilers Ahead!

The show’s cast and crew are keeping this season’s storylines very close to the chest, and have only vaguely addressed rumors that Meredith is the next character to die in the series. 

“You can’t read into anything. Really, that’s dangerous territory,” Ellen, who’s been with Grey’s since the pilot, told Deadline when asked if this is the beginning of the end. 

“I think that, collectively, we, or creatively, it’s the same this year as it always is,” she said. “Is there a reason to continue? What stories do we have to tell? What characters do we have to bring back that gives us story to tell?”

The 51-year-old added that her future with the ABC drama remains undetermined for the time being. “At this point, I think, we don’t know what we’re going to do,” she admitted. “We know that we’re grateful… that we’re able to keep continuing to grow, and to tell stories that we think are important, and getting this moment.”

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