Details on That Wild Conclusion

The series starts off being easy enough to understand: It’s about a single mom whose kiss with a handsome stranger turns uncomfortable when she realizes the following day that he’s her new boss. She tries to make the best of it and remain professional, all while inadvertently befriending his wife, making things go from awkward to just downright inappropriate.

By the final two episodes however, astral projection and switching bodies came into play and at the end of it all, some viewers needed a solid explanation about what happened. And, probably more importantly, where the show could go from here. It was marketed as a limited series and was based on a book that ends essentially the same way. So what the heck is going on?

Viewers are in dire need of having the ending to ‘Behind Her Eyes’ explained, and for good reason.

Throughout most of the six episodes of Behind Her Eyes, Louise, a single mom who falls for her boss, David, before she even realizes he’s her boss, deals with the constant struggle of giving in to his pursuit of her and her friendship with his wife, Adele. But Louise’s problems with night terrors spark a natural friendship between herself and Adele, who has ways to help her control her dreams as she does herself through astral projection.

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behind her eyes adele
Source: Netflix

Near the end of the season, Adele confides in Louise about her friend, Rob, who left behind a journal about astral projection which Adele explains might help Louise. Adele also insinuates that David might have killed Rob out of jealousy, but it was never proven. Already, the story is getting way more intense than the majority of the season had let on thus far.

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In the finale, it is revealed that Rob was a friend of Adele’s who had loved David for years and had schemed to be with him. In order to do that, he used astral projection to trade bodies with Adele and, presumably, killed her in his original body. This means that the “Adele” Louise had befriended was really Rob the entire time, but encased in her body.

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Louise, who uses astral projection to go to David and Louise’s home one night, is inadvertently sucked into Adele’s body, as Rob leaves it to inhabit Louise’s instead and be with David once and for all. So when David and Louise marry at the end of the season, it’s really Rob in her body, having gotten what he wanted all along.

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