Darth Vader’s “Noooo!” | Know Your Meme


Several other parodies have been added to YTMND since 2005. On December 1st, 2009, the single serving site nooooooooooooooo.com was launched, which features a single button that, when pressed, plays the famous catchphrase (shown below).

PRESS IN DIRE SITUATIONS If you're reading this on and Android, we've released the Nooooooooooooooo button as a Free App the Nooo0000000o0o0o button Anakin Skywalker Sheev Palpatine Obi-Wan Kenobi Padmé Amidala R2-D2 text

On September 10th, 2011, user CineWeekly uploaded a YouTube video adding Vader’s yell to multiple memorable movie scenes, which received almost 400,000 views in four year (shown below, left). On January 4th, 2017, YouTuber Nathan Dubuc uploaded the French version of the scene, receiving over 7.5 million views in four years (shown below, right).

On October 5th, 2015, Reddit user spikesya made a post in /r/FanTheories analyzing the scene, it garnered over 1,700 points (91% upvoted) before being archived.

Source: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/darth-vaders-noooo