Dark Details from Original Little Mermaid Fairytale


Obviously, our determined little mermaid is looking for another way to secure her spot next to the prince, so she visits the sea witch’s dwelling. And let me tell you, it’s far more foreboding than the Disney version.

Outside of the sea witch’s realm and among the shrubs and plants live polyps — defined by Hans as half plant, half human — that reach for and capture anything they can get their hands on.

As the little mermaid approaches the witch’s home, she dodges reaching arms and sees the bones of fallen seamen, as well as other little mermaids “whom they had caught and strangled” in their grip. 


To double down on the red flags, the witch’s home is also made of human bones.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/details-from-hans-christian-andersen-the-little-mermaid