Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him Run

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Source: Reddit/AITA/iStockSource: Reddit/AITA/iStock

Some guys just can’t take a hint, and end up being a giant creep to poor girls just trying to mind their business!

That’s exactly what happened when this user was approached by a creepster who wouldn’t take no for an answer, so she decided to give the jerk exactly what he was asking for, much to his shock!

This just happened and I’m still laughing my butt off.

I’m a 25 year old MTF trans woman that’s been on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) for 3 years now. Because of this, my body looks naturally feminine. Like, it takes people awhile to catch on.

I work as a vendor for one of the major beverage companies. Basically I go to stores and stock shelves of my companies products. I’m listening to music, a playlist of video game themes remixed, with one ear bud in, like allowed, when a mid 30’s year old man walks over.

I feel for this woman, don’t bother me while I’m listening to my Pokemon playlist!!

“Wow, girl you are super thick. Wouldn’t mind taking you home with me,” he said with a bit too much confidence.

I just continue working, ignoring him.

He continues,” Oh come on don’t be like that, I’m quite large under these pants if you know what I mean; something a sweet rear like yours needs.”

I continue to ignore, getting embarrassed and very uncomfortable. That’s when the music turns to the theme from Halo and he says what I needed.

“Come oh cutie, say something to me.”

How gross to say to a random stranger! Guys like this need to be taught a lesson!

Inspired by the music, I instantly had a thought.

It hurts, a lot, to do a masculine voice however in that moment I took a deep breath and turned to him.

I looked at him with a very enthusiastic smile and he looks like a kid in a candy store, bouncing a bit like,” oh boy I actually got one.”

She knew exactly what she had to do.

Going back to my roots, I took a deep breath and in the most deep, masculine voice I could muster I said to him,”You’re cute as well, sure I wouldn’t mind having my way with you.”

Afterwards I start coughing, my throat hurting yet it worked.

The dude jumped back a good foot and yelled out,” oh uh no!!! Screw this, uh uhhhh. Nope, no.”

He ran out of the store so fast, constantly looking over his shoulder as if I was following him.

I would have paid money to see the blood drain from his face, maybe that will teach him not to go around harassing women!

The stores workers were laughing their asses off, mostly all the female workers.

One came up to me and asked,” how did you do that voice? I could never get mine to sound…… oh you’re trans. That makes sense.”

That made my day and is why I’m still laughing in my car writing this.

Reddit absolutely loved her reaction to this creep, and this user shared another hilarious way to deter unwanted attention from pervy dudes!

Flirt Comment 1 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him RunFlirt Comment 1 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him Run

This user reacted with how frustrating it was when men didn’t understand how harmful these kinds of advances are.

Flirt Comment 2 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him RunFlirt Comment 2 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him Run

And this user pointed out how ridiculous it was for the man to be uncomfortable after he was the one who had accosted her!

Flirt Comment 3 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him RunFlirt Comment 3 Creeper Wants Her To Respond To His Gross Comments, So She Gets Revenge And Makes Him Run

Good for her!

It’s always satisfying to put a weirdo in their place!

If you liked that story, check out this one about a woman who went on a date with somebody who was 10 years older than her. Find out what happened!
