Source: Reddit/AITA/@runswithlibrarians

The woman in this story sounds like a real gem!

And by gem, I mean someone that you’d never want to deal with EVER.

And all the person who wrote this story could do was maliciously comply with her and give her what she wanted!

They explained that this woman was a work client.

“Many years ago, I had a very demanding client at work.

She wanted to be called “first thing.”

I was traveling on an assignment and while I was gone, this person was trying to reach me.

She became very upset when she was informed that I was unavailable and insisted that I return her call “first thing in the morning.”

But they knew she had forgotten about something.

This was a Thursday and the next day was Good Friday.

I happened to be aware that she would be off work that day.

But we aim to please!

It was time to make a phone call!

The following morning, I was booked to fly home on a flight that departed at 6:00 AM.

While sitting in the airport, waiting for my flight at 5:15 AM, I returned her call.

How satisfying!

The sleepy confusion in her voice as I explained that I understood that she was urgently trying to reach me, so I wanted to make sure to call her before I boarded my flight and became unavailable.

Her utter bafflement absolutely made my day.”

Here’s how people responded on Reddit.

This reader shared a story about a terrible customer.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Another individual thought this was brilliant.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

One reader taught someone a lesson…

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

And this Reddit user talked about how they used to do it.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

How was that for a wake-up call?

I have a feeling they won’t be doing that again.

If you liked that post, check out this post about a rude customer who got exactly what they wanted in their pizza.
