Burak Ozcivit won GQ icon of the year & theonly artist who had the guts to support Gaza & the children of Gaza…….

Burak Ozcivit won GQ icon of the year & theonly artist who had the guts to support Gaza & the children of Gaza….Hopefully other artists will follow 🤲👏👏👏

videoMay be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Burak Özcivit won icon of the year Award at the event where everyone was bragging about their success Burak Özcivit stood up and raised his voice for Palestine at the event Türkiye da en iyi erkek Oyuncu sadece Burak Özcivit dir #BurakÖzcivit #GQMenTheYear2023 SAMSUNG GQ MENEY YEARY ENCE THE'