During an appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show earlier this week, Millie said she had potential interest in playing Britney Spears in a biopic — that is, if one ever gets made.

“I want to play a real person and I think, for me, Britney. [It] would be Britney Spears,” she said. “I think her story, first of all, resonates with me. Just growing up in the public eye, watching her videos, watching interviews how when she was younger.”

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The Drew Barrymore Show / Via youtube.com

“I see the scramble for words [in her interviews] and I don’t know her,” Millie added, “but when I look at pictures of her, I feel like I could tell her story in the right way and hers only.”

Well, it seems like Britney might’ve gotten wind of Millie’s comments, and she doesn’t sound like the biggest fan of the idea at the moment.

“I hear about people wanting to do movies about my life,” she recently posted on Instagram. “dude I’m not dead !!! Although it’s pretty fucking clear they preferred me dead 🙄🙄🙄.”

She has a point! It’s probably a bit premature to talk about portraying someone’s life in a movie when they still have life left to live — but also, I’m pretty sure Millie didn’t mean anything serious by her remarks either. It seems like a while until someone will try to make a Britney Spears biopic, and that’s for the better.

We’ll see if Millie responds. In the meantime, you can watch her entire interview with Drew here.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/larryfitzmaurice/britney-spears-millie-bobby-brown-response