This Is What It’s Like For Single Mom Who Is Attempting To Date During A Global Health Crisis

When The Virus That Shall Not Be Named hit the U.S. back in March, everything got shut down. That included my single mama dating life. You’d think everyone’s dating life would’ve stopped, but that’s hardly been the case. Dating is still a very real thing.

Take a scroll through just about any old dating app (you can borrow my phone, I have them all), and you’ll quickly notice that people seem to be meeting up as if there’s nothing going on, and have been since pretty much the start of the health crisis. When it comes to people going on dates, the locations may have changed a bit, but honestly, many people, even those who were practicing social distancing in other areas of their lives, bent the rules when it came to dating. They didn’t even slow down.

Is it irresponsible? Totally. But the need for human connection is real. Loneliness gets rough. And people have to make their own calculated risks. Still, to me, it became a huge point of annoyance when trying to chat with possible suitors! Men kept asking me to meet up, completely ignoring the fact that there was a real, live global health crisis happening.

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