The Trees Speak in Vietnamese


The Trees Speak in Vietnamese is a catchphrase referring to how in the Vietnam War, Americans struggled with the guerilla warfare of the Viet Cong who would often fight in dense jungle, leading to the anxious phrase “The trees speak in Vietnamese.” In late 2018, it became a catchphrase in memes about the Vietnam War.


The phrase refers to a tactic used by Vietnamese soldiers in the Vietnam War wherein they would use the dense forests of Vietnam to their advantage, perhaps by tying themselves to high tree branches to ambush American soldiers. The phrase was referenced in comments sections of War Flashback Parodies. An early iteration of the meme featured Mrs. Puff from Spongebob Squarepants saying “Oh, Neptune.” It appeared on Imgur on May 13th, 2016 (shown below).

Hear somebody scream "tấn công!" in the tree line and flares begin to fly up


The specific phrase “The trees speak in Vietnamese” did not become used in memes until several years later. On December 11th, 2018, the same image of Mrs. Puff was posted to /r/historymemes with the phrase in the caption, gaining over 29,000 points (shown below, left). This led to a surge of such jokes on Reddit. A post on /r/dankmemes from the same day gained over 16,000 points (shown below, right).

When you are on patrol duty and one of the trees starts speaking vietnamese When you are a viet cong warrior and the bushes starts speaking capitalist

The trend also saw many variations in the I Am the Lorax and I Speak for the Trees meme. Posts include two edits that appeared in /r/historymemes (shown below). The meme was inquired about in /r/Teenagers on December 15th, 2018.

i am the lorax hd i speak for the trees the trees say something in Vietnamese I am the Lorax And I speak for the trees The trees speak vietnamese

Various Examples

American soldiers after the trees start speaking in vietnamese Those trees are up to something americans when the trees start speaking vietnamese russians when the snow starts speaking finnish french when the belgian border starts speaking german Vietnam ppl: "all white ppl look the same" also vietnamese ppl: umanity.gone26 When you're an American soldier and you here the trees speak Vietnamese My time has come. When the trees start speaking vietnamese When you're decorating the christmas tree and it starts speaking vietnamese

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