Adorable Toddler Mistakes Whipped Cream For Shampoo And Decides To Bathe Herself While Eating

Toddlers get a lot of negative press, but anyone who has lived with one knows that they definitely have their cute moments, too. In between bouts of boundary testing and refusing to take naps, toddlers can be downright precious.

When my son was around two he loved cheese. I mean, my son is now eleven and still loves cheese, but at two it was all he wanted to eat, all the time. We wanted to make sure he had enough protein in his vegetarian diet, and somehow ended up convincing him that tofu was called soy cheese. He totally loved it, and from then on out had no problem downing the stuff.

One-year-old Nicha, a toddler who lives in southern Thailand, has a similar story. Her mom, Bhusuda Petchsamarn, has somehow convinced her that all white foam is shampoo. This probably happened during bath time one night, and Bhusuda didn’t really think much of it. After all, it’s a pretty major win to get your toddler excited about bath time, so whatever works is great.

Nicha was recently eating a piece of cake, and she excitedly spotted the whipped cream on top… and thought it was shampoo. She decided to enjoy her cake and indulge in a little hair washing at all at the same time.

Bhusuda explains, “I do not want people to get me wrong, I had just taught her that white foam is hair shampoo. So this time Nicha was just playing with her cake because she thinks it is shampoo. I later took her to the bath.”

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