54 Affirmations That Will Help You Break Free From Anxiety And Manifest The Life You Want

1. I am allowed to feel however I feel today.

2. It is okay to be upset. It is okay to break down. Resisting it is only making me suffer.

3. I am willing to see this change. Even if nothing I have tried has worked before, I am willing to believe that change is possible.

4. I can honor my feelings, but not trust them.

5. I have been anxious before, and nothing bad happened. That’s because there’s something wrong with how I think, not how I am, or how my life is.

6. I am closer than I think I am.

7. I have come farther than I give myself credit for.

8. I will look back on this time of my life and miss it.

9. I am not scared of the future, because the future hasn’t been created yet. My fear is not a crystal ball.

10. The minute I choose to not believe my worry, I dissolve it of its power.

11. When I worry, I attract more worrying to myself. That’s why I always worry about catastrophe, but never actually experience catastrophe. I am focused on fear, not on tragedy, and that is what I am getting more and more of.

12. What I am feeling is normal.

13. How I am responding to these circumstances is the same way anyone in my shoes would.

14. I am not broken, I am just someone who is more aware of what they do and do not want to feel.

15. I do not need to be happy all of the time.

16. I do not need to force myself to stay calm.

17. I am capable of changing the course of my life for the better.

18. I can’t control what thoughts and feelings come up in my body, but I can control whether or not I act in spite of them. It is not my thoughts, but my behaviors, that define my life.

19. I am self-critical because I care about myself. I know I am capable of great things, if I would just step out of my own way.

20. I seek out the worst case scenario because, deep down, I am trying to protect myself.

21. The sooner I allow these feelings to wash over me, the sooner they will pass, and the energy within me will be transformed into motivation and renewed vision.

22. Even if I feel anxious, that does not mean I am off my path.

23. Sometimes when I’ve felt more anxious than ever, I was actually more on the right path than ever. I just didn’t realize it until I looked back.

24. When I start to go after what I really want, I get resistant and stressed. That’s because I know I am vulnerable. It doesn’t mean I am a failure, or that I am incapable.

25. Whatever the opposite of my worst fears is is what I am destined to experience in this life.

26. What would I be like if I weren’t anxious? What would I do today if I weren’t feeling bad? That’s what I will do. That’s how I will be.

27. I forgive myself for anything I haven’t let myself feel.

28. I embrace that every emotion serves an important purpose in my development, with the exception of shame.

29. I understand that shame is a feeling that was created by human beings in order to control one another. Realizing that it does not serve me, I let it go.

30. My thoughts about anxiety are scarier than my feelings. When I really focus on them, I realize that my feelings are only bits of tension that I can definitely withstand.

31. I am allowed to do whatever I need to do to get through this day.

32. I will not shame or hate myself for doing what I need to do to get through this day.

33. I am allowed to rest.

34. I am allowed to change my mind.

35. I do not owe anything to my younger self, or anyone who knew me before this point. I do not have to live up to past expectations to be successful.

36. Nobody else is thinking about me the way that I am thinking about me. In this, I find a sense of freedom.

37. I am not an anxious person, I am someone who experiences anxiety. It does not have to define who I am.

38. I will show up today, as much as I can.

39. When I regain my energy and feel more comfortable in this new chapter of my life, I will be more revitalized, focused and driven than ever before.

40. I allow my body to release that which it has been storing, and does not need.

41. I invite deep, complete healing into my life.

42. I command every cell in my body to release any threads of illness, tensions or disease that are not serving me.

43. I am as healed as I believe that I am.

44. I will retrain my brain to not panic when I feel anxious.

45. I understand that I am not inherently broken, I am traumatized.

46. I understand that though my trauma is not my fault, it is still my problem to deal with. 

47. I am in charge of how my life unfolds.

48. I am responsible for how my life turns out.

49. I do not need to fight feeling anxious. I only need to relax into it, and let it pass on its own.

50. “Feelings, once felt, will change themselves with time.”

51. I will not be anxious forever.

52. But I will always embrace anxiety when it arrives.

53. I am not fighting myself anymore.

54. I will not resist myself ever again. TC mark

Source : https://thoughtcatalog.com/brianna-wiest/2018/07/54-affirmations-that-will-help-you-break-free-from-anxiety-and-manifest-the-life-you-want/