Bala Sultan, who said in season 1 to osman Bey that “your life is full of severe trials, but you will💖become even stronger with your children” . She meant 💪👇

“Osmanlılar “👑👑👌
This is a sign of a fact that is👇👇👇💝💝

Even after centuries, they are still called the sons of osman. 😘😘😘😘
“These are no ordinary children, they are the sons of Osman” ❤️⚔️🫰.
#KuruluşOsman #kuruluşdizisi #osmangazi #buraközçivit #özgetörer #osbal #osmanbey #balahatun #balasultan #osmanbala #osman #rabiabalahatun #ottoman #tekaşkosbal #zümrüdüankabala #zümrüdüankabalasultan #alaeddinpaşa #orhangazi