Murals seem to be all the rage these days in cities around the country and an artist from Miami named Douglas Hoekzema uses gardening tools to create colorful images.

In the video below, you can see him using a sprinkler to start the process of creating his work.

Here’s a video of him creating a similar pattern.

And he captioned the video below “Watering the Paint Garden” and you can see why.

Hoekzema says about his unique work, “The oscillation of the pendulum paints time through gravity’s natural pull. Expressing how we can be pulled in one direction, when we are really meant to be going in another.

How resistance creates a struggle and a false sense of control. Where if we follow the natural flow of times predetermined, yet unseen path, an experience of beauty and pure form will take shape.”

You can also check out his website to learn more about his work.
