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Home » Are the Serial Killer Genes Featured on ‘Riverdale’ Actually Real?

Are the Serial Killer Genes Featured on ‘Riverdale’ Actually Real?

Scientists found the “Warrior Gene,” and those who have it secrete MAOA, which is an enzyme that can affect how the brain releases serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin is associated with feelings of happiness, while dopamine sends messages to your nerve cells. To put it simply, the Warrior Gene can prevent people from having the right “Fight or Flight” reactions.

If someone doesn’t know when a situation has become unsafe, then they are more likely to remain involved in danger, and potentially make poor choices. MAOA was believed to be the gene that caused this, but it’s actually a mutation of it, MAOA-L that is linked to dangerous behavior.

It’s unlikely for women to have MAOA-L, because it is most commonly found on the X chromosome. Because women have XX chromosomes, MAOA-L would not have the same effect. 

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