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Home » All the Flabébé Colors in ‘Pokémon GO’ — Can It Be Shiny?

All the Flabébé Colors in ‘Pokémon GO’ — Can It Be Shiny?

Source: Niantic

Anthony Jones - Author

Outside of hunting for Shiny Pokémon, challenging a raid and powering up Pokémon with candy are some core activities keeping trainers glued to Pokémon GO. The mobile spin-off game is constantly rolling out events and announcing new opportunities for players to snag a rare Pokémon they wouldn’t come across through normal means.

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Pokémon GO also has specific unique Pokémon that will only appear based on location, such as Relicanth — making the hunt for these Pokémon quite a hassle if you’re not traveling the world. This is the case for Flabébé, a Fairy-type Pokémon introduced during the 2022 Valentine’s Day event, that you can only encounter within particular regions worldwide.

Flabebe in 'Pokémon GO'

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Additionally, Flabébé can pop up in various colors based on where you discover them. If you’re curious about what colors Flabébé can appear as, here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know.

All the Flabébé colors and locations in ‘Pokémon GO.’

Overall, there are five Flabébé colors that you can potentially encounter in Pokémon GO:

  • Red Flabébé: Europe, the Middle-East, and Africa
  • Orange Flabébé: Can be found everywhere as a rare encounter
  • Yellow Flabébé: Americas
  • Blue Flabébé: Asia-Pacific
  • White Flabébé: Can be found everywhere as a rare encounter

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Out of the five Flabébé colors, Developer Niantic has region-locked three (Yellow, Blue, and Red) to specific regions as listed above. In order to catch those particular colors, traveling will be necessary. If that’s a tall order for you, try catching the White or Orange Flabébé, but be mindful that it’ll take some time to find them as it usually is for rare Pokémon.

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You could also scour forums to find someone looking to trade different colors of Flabébé or search up resources online for tracking down the various colors within their regions. Whatever you decide, it will likely take some time before you can fill out your PokéDex with every Flabébé version.

Can Flabébé be Shiny in ‘Pokémon GO’?

Currently, the Shiny version of Flabébé across all available colors has not been added to Pokémon GO. That also means its evolutions Floette and Florges do not have Shiny forms. For the time being, you can only catch the regular multicolored versions.

Niantic may introduce a Shiny version of Flabébé in the future. However, as things stand now, we don’t know when or if the Shiny form will arrive in the mobile AR game.
