After 15-Year-Old Dies From Taking Too Much Benadryl, Family Warns Of Disturbing TikTok Trend

Chloe Phillips was a 15-year-old sophomore who attended high school at Blanchard High School in Oklahoma. Her family described her as a happy, faith-driven teen who loved music, dancing, and hanging out with her friends.

Now Chloe’s heartbroken family is grieving her; the teen died in August 2020 after overdosing on Benadryl.

There’s another similar story about a 14-year-old girl named Rebekah who overdosed on Benadryl after taking 14 tablets in the middle of the night on Memorial Day.

The teen from Texas was experiencing hallucinations, her speech and mobility were off, and her resting heart rate was 199. Her family rushed her to the emergency room.

Thankfully, Rebekah’s heart rate returned to normal the next day, and she was able to recover.

Two other teens from Texas were also recently hospitalized after overdosing on the over-the-counter allergy medicine.

As it turns out, taking too much Benadryl has become a trend among adolescents — as part of a disturbing “challenge” going out to teens on TikTok.

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