
“When we’re younger, our perception of time is very different. We think we have all the time in the world. Our life is often filled with, ‘I’ll get to that later.’ or ‘I have plenty of time.’ Let me tell you, we don’t have nearly as much as we think. Time slides by ridiculously fast as you age. I mean that. So, here are a few more specific items that you can consider:”

“Career: If you have specific career objectives that possibly involve education or such, don’t put it off. It never gets easier. There is never a ‘better time.’ I had intended to go to law school after my undergrad but put it off because I was just burnt out from going to school and working. Anyway, I told myself I’ll do that later when it’s a better time. I’ve never made it back. 

Relationships: First, if you have an idea of what you want out of a relationship and life, you have to make yourself that person, first. Meaning: to attract the life and people you want, you have to be that person to make it happen, not the other way around. Have a serious conversation with yourself and identify your character traits, strengths, and weaknesses. You probably need to ask friends for their sincere input, because it’s extremely difficult for us to be objective, particularly, when we are younger. If you know what you want the ‘end’ story to be, then you have to map out your path to get there and implement that. There. Are. No. Shortcuts. Do the work. 

Relationships continued: It is very, very easy to become complacent in a relationship. To settle for what is comfortable rather than what is satisfying or fulfilling. Be judicious with your time. This doesn’t mean you should have throw-away relationships, but it does mean you should be more conscious about who the other person is, and how they fit into your life, the life that you want. 

My general thoughts: I have lost both parents and over a dozen friends. Time creeps. You don’t think, even for a second, this is the last time I’ll see these people. We take them for granted so much. If you look back and knew that those were the best years and the best times of your life, would you have appreciated it differently? I don’t know, but I will tell you, as a person who has moved over 50 times, gone to 17 schools, and lived in four countries and 20-ish states, time flies by a lot faster than you expect. Do. Not. Waste. It. People you think you’ll see again, for sure, pass away. 

I hope even one of you reads this and takes a new level of appreciation. Tell the people you love, that you love them. Seize the fucking day.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/adults-sharing-what-teenagers-should-know