Fans of Emily In Paris will be saying “bonjour!” to Season 3, which arrives on Netflix on Dec. 21. The continuation of this Parisian tale is sure to include Emily toting designer bags and taking selfies, leaving us to wonder, yet again, how this marketing executive makes enough money to exist.

Experts at New Casinos analyzed Emily’s lifestyle to determine how much she might be spending annually compared to her salary, which they estimate to be around $46,980.

These findings show Emily spending a whopping $120,006 per year, which is $73,025 over her annual earnings. Let’s dive into these très effrayant (very scary) numbers.

Clothes & Accessories (Estimated Cost: $76,795)

Housing (Estimated Cost: $33,127)

Utilities (Estimated Cost: $2,372)

Dining Out (Estimated Cost: $3,239)

Nightlife (Estimated Cost: $1,295)

Transportation (Estimated Cost: $2,947)

Coffee (Estimated Cost: $228)

In total, Emily spends $120,006 per year to maintain her lavish lifestyle, which is almost certainly above what she’s making with Savoir. “When it comes to our favorite fiction TV shows, we sometimes have to remind ourselves that it isn’t a reality,” says a spokesperson from New Casinos. “The findings are a friendly reminder that her lifestyle isn’t exactly one to admire, given that her salary doesn’t cover half of her spending.”

Tell us your thoughts on Emily’s budget in the comments below!
