Now, this is a cool idea…and I can almost guarantee that you’ve never seen something like this pulled off before.

A woodworker named Preston Miller used his woodturning machine to turn a bag of coffee into a coffee MUG.

Yes, for real.

Photo Credit: YouTube

Miller took a bag of coffee, mixed some epoxy in, and used the woodturner to turn the whole thing into a cylindrical shape.

Then, Miller put a wooden base on the bottom of his new shape and completed his project of turning this contraption into a mug.

Screen Shot 2022 07 21 at 7.30.13 PM A Woodworker Turned Coffee Beans Into a Coffee Mug

Photo Credit: YouTube

Miller even made a wooden lid with a hole in it so he can drink out of his new creation any time he wants to.

Watch the whole video below to see how Miller pulled off this unique project.

twistedsifter on facebook A Woodworker Turned Coffee Beans Into a Coffee Mug
