Who Is Phil Robertson’s New Daughter? She Wasn’t on ‘Duck Dynasty’


While Phil never lied about the affair to the public, it’s not something that was widely talked about. Though, to his wife Marsha “Kay” Carroway’s credit, she too welcomed Phil’s daughter into the fold. On the podcast, Phil said “Miss Kay,” as she is known, always warned him that someone from his past would emerge, but she was glad it was a daughter.

Both Miss Kay and Phyliss are expected to make an appearance on the Unashamed podcast in the near future so the family can formally introduce Phyliss to their fans. Despite the circumstances, the situation has been one that brought the family even closer together. Luckily, what could have been a scandal turned out to be a family more than willing to grow by one.

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/phil-robertson-new-daughter