Couple With 38 Children Quarantine Together After 12 Family Members Get Coronavirus


Just about every parent right now is feeling the added stresses of this quarantine. It can be a lot, what with the extra mouths to feed and brains to keep stimulated.

Jeane and Paul Briggs of West Virginia know this jarring new reality firsthand … and then some.

The Briggs have a whopping 38 children, and 21 of them still live at home! In one house!

Thirty-eight children. One home. Quarantine. Think about that.

Let’s just say the pandemic hasn’t been easy for this staggeringly large family.

The Briggs, who are now in their 60s, have been married for about 40 years. Of their 38 kids, 32 are adopted.

Jeane was diagnosed with COVID-19 after feeling waves of nausea and vomiting. So was Paul. And then their children started getting diagnosed.

Now there are 23 members of the Briggs family living under one roof, trying to cope with illness and recovery and isolation and managing so many people at once.

Watch the video below to meet this amazingly large family, and please SHARE this with your friends on Facebook!

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