Global Peace Index, 2023

Map of the Global Peace Index (GPI)! In assessing peacefulness, the GPI investigates the extent to which countries are involved in ongoing domestic and international conflicts and seeks to evaluate the level of harmony or discord within a nation. Ten indicators broadly assess what might be described as safety and security in society. Their assertion is that low crime rates, minimal incidences of terrorist acts and violent demonstrations, harmonious relations with neighbouring countries, a stable political scene, and a small proportion of the population being internally displaced or refugees can be suggestive of peacefulness. This includes number/duration of international conflicts, number of deaths from internal and external conflicts, number/duration of role in external conflicts, relations with neighboring countries, level of perceived criminality in a country, number of refugees/displaced peoples are percentage of population, political instability, impact of terrorism, political turmoil, number of homicides per 100,000 people, level of violent crime, likelihood of violent demonstrations, incarceration rates, military expenditure as % of gdp, number of police per 100,000 people, volume of global weapon transport, military personnel per 100,000 people, financial contribution to UN peace keeping, nuclear and wmd capability, and ease of access to small arms are all factors that are taken into account when analyzing the world’s nations for the GPI.

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