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Dentists Reveal 5 Issues They’d Never Ignore

Dentists Reveal 5 Issues They’d Never Ignore

Grinding your teeth or clenching them at night may not be as easy to decipher as some of the other problems mentioned above, but Noblett said it’s an important issue to keep track of. This habit can lead to cracked teeth, and changes in the way your top and bottom teeth come together.

If you sleep next to a partner, they may be able to tell you if you’re grinding your teeth at night. Or, you can look for signs like headaches or a change in the way your teeth fit together in the mornings, Noblett said.

Bottom line: If anything feels off with your oral health, don’t ignore it.

“I tell my patients not to ignore any problem,” Bell said. “And the real reason behind that is perception of problems and perception of pain … is different for every patient.” What may feel like sensitivity to cold for one person may feel like pain for another.

Since every person perceives things differently, it’s important to report any new discomfort or concerns to your dentist so they can take a look at what’s going on. If you do notice that a pesky tooth pain is suddenly gone, your body maybe just got used to the pain or the nerve died, Bell added.

“So always come see us because dental problems do not go away on their own ― they only get worse,” she said.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jillianwilson/dental-problems-never-ignore