Yunus Emre! After the trailer, many people are directly criticizing the director on this issue. That the actor has also been featured in Ertugrul’s series and is now included in Usman’s fifth season. Let me tell all these brothers that the actor got a role as the head of the Ayyubid Empire in Ertugrul which was canceled in the first season, so it was clear that some people in the comment section of the first posts “double shot”. (like Indian dramas)” was chanting, nothing like that. Secondly, Mehmet Buzdag made another series on the famous and well-known Sufi poet of the Turkish nation during the era of Sultan Osman, “Younes Emre (also available in Urdu dubbing as Rah Ishq Ke)” in which the same actor played an immense role. He was killed by his abilities. And in its last few episodes, Sheikh Idabali was also mentioned and Usman Bey’s conquests were also mentioned. You people are criticizing this effort of Mehmet Baddag instead of praising it. That they have chosen the actor who worked in the second series to portray the character of Yunus Emre so that the readers can establish the same continuity as the last episode of Rah Ishq series instead of trying someone new to play the role of Yunus Emre. It was later broken. Perhaps this is happening for the first time that an actor has been chosen to play the same role for two different serials, so instead of criticizing, we should encourage the management and appreciate their efforts! ~❤️