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Home ยป Apart from the many victories achieved by Osman Ghazi in history…. the four seasons of the series featured some very s…

Apart from the many victories achieved by Osman Ghazi in history…. the four seasons of the series featured some very s…

Apart from the many victories achieved by Osman Ghazi in history…. the four seasons of the series featured some very special victories. Karajahisar, Kulujahisar, Dependency or Yarhisar, Anagol was conquered twice in addition to Beljek, Yenisehar, Marmarajak, Koprihasar, Kionhasar, Battle of Gallipoli and Battle of Baphios, apart from the wars with the Mongols….. And in the end, the establishment of the state was also shown….. Hopefully, we will see more historical events in season five…. More history has been shown than any other series, that’s why the number of viewers waiting for Kurlus Osman is more than any other series….. ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–