Trump Was Met With Boos And A ‘Where’s Melania?’ Banner At An Iowa College Football Game

If the GOP primary was held today, Donald Trump would easily win. It just happens that within the next year he might be going to jail, though that might not be enough to stop him from still running. Popular as he might be among Republican voters, it’s another story with the other half of the country, who largely find him to be a repellant autocrat and probable criminal. This weekend the former president paid another visit to Iowa, where he witnessed the violently mixed response he’s well-earned.

As per The New York Times, on Saturday Trump attended the Iowa-Iowa State college football game at Jack Trice Stadium. He got some cheers — and what sounded like an equivalent amount of loud boos. It’s yet another stark reminder that he’s not a unifier but a polarizing figure who only appeals to part of the country, while being equally loathed by the other.

Heckling Trump wasn’t the only way Iowans made their opinions known. Someone also flew a plane over the stadium bearing a banner with the words “Where’s Melania?” The ex-First Lady has barely been seen since leaving the White House, though reports claim she sometimes gets mad at her philandering husband.

where’s Melania

Others flipped Trump off as he watched the game from his private booth.

There were cheers, of course, including when he first entered the stadium.

Trump wasn’t the only GOP candidate in attendance that day. Ron DeSantis was also there. He, too, received some birds, just as he’d been jeered while visiting the state back in August.

Trump took Iowa back in 2020, by a whopping eight percentage points. That still wasn’t enough for him to win re-election.

(Via NYT)
