Pigeons Wearing Teeny Tiny Hats Are Popping Up All Over Nevada


You can see a lot of unexpected things walking down the street. If you were walking down the street in Reno, Nevada, for example, you might think your eyes are playing tricks on you if you saw a pigeon wearing a tiny sombrero. One of those desert mirages, right? Well, not exactly.

That Reno pigeon isn’t the only one in Nevada who has been seen wearing some unexpected headwear. A month earlier, a number of pigeons were spotted around Las Vegas wearing tiny cowboy hats.

It sounds adorable and kind of hilarious, or at least Reno’s City Manager Sabra Newby thought so. She had a rude awakening when she shared two photos of the pigeons on Instagram and was slammed by animal rights activists. In the case of the Las Vegas pigeons, one who had the tiny hat glued to his head died. Now, they’re trying to get the word out that regardless of how it looks, it’s no laughing matter.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/pigeons-wearing-tiny-hats/