15 Exciting Snow Day Ideas To Keep Active Kids Busy Indoors Or Outdoors


There’s nothing quite like a snow day. Whether you live somewhere where they are plentiful or somewhere where they’re rare, there’s something very special about a surprise day off. Kids are usually the most excited. As schools close, their imaginations open up wide to all the possibilities the day has in store.

It isn’t always easy for parents, however. In today’s world, it’s easier to work from home than ever before. That means a day off for the kids may not be one for you, even if you don’t have to head into the office. There, you’re presented with a challenge. Do you surrender to an all-day screen fest in the name of getting something done? Do you try to get things done knowing you’ll be interrupted time and time again with declarations of boredom? The answers aren’t always easy and depend entirely on your kids.

Luckily, we’re here to help. We’ve rounded up some of the best ideas to keep your kids busy during a snow day. If it’s really ugly out and they’re stuck inside, there are ways to keep them occupied. If the snow is fit for playing, send them out to the yard with some ideas on how to have fun. Either way, we’ve got you all prepared to have the most peaceful and productive snow day you’ve ever had.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/snow-day-ideas-kids/