What Happened to Bo on ‘Swamp Loggers’? He Might Have Retired


Swamp Loggers ended its fourth and final season in 2012, but that doesn’t mean the beloved cast is forgotten. Similar to other reality shows about obscure jobs, including Texas Flip and Pawn Stars, Swamp Loggers followed the crew of close-knit people, some related, as they shared their business with viewers everywhere. And because Bo Malpass was one of the primary logging truck drivers of the show, it’s hard not to wonder what happened to him years after the show’s end.

While the show did follow the crew’s logging jobs and different responsibilities related to their shared chosen profession, there were episodes that played up the reality TV aspect of it all. These included meeting a weekly quote that sometimes seemed like a cakewalk and other times appeared to be tricky for the men at work. Or the many times weather and road conditions were played up to keep viewers on the edges of their seats. At its core, however, was the cast.

Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/what-happened-to-bo-swamp-loggers