Oh, boy, here we go again…

It’s another story about someone who thinks they’re a real bada** and they describe themselves as a…wait for it…ALPHA MALE.

And the guy who wrote this story made fun of his younger brother for being enthralled by the Alpha Male lifestyle.

Did he act like an a**hole?

Read his story below and see what you think.

“My (M20) little brother (M15) is in high school. I just came back to my hometown from college for break and brought my girlfriend to come with me for a week.

I decided to go out to a restaurant with me, my gf, my brother and my sister. When we were sitting down my little brother showed me a weird TikTok. It was first a video of a girl saying short guys are not men or something and then it cuts to some guy lifting weights and insulting her.

I thought it was stupid and made fun of my brother for it and then he called me a beta and said my girlfriend probably has an onlyfans. She obviously told her she didn’t have one (because she didn’t) and I told him he’s an idiot.

I then looked at his TikTok account and scrolled and it was all just dudes going to the gym and lifting weights or people talking about “how to be masculine” and stuff so I was laughing and making fun of it. My brother then got mad and stopped talking.


And now it’s time to see what people had to say on Reddit.

This person said he’s NTA and he needed to do this.

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.12.00 AM He called me a beta. Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Mocking His Little Brother for Thinking He’s an Alpha Male

Photo Credit: Reddit

Another individual said this kid needed an intervention YESTERDAY.

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.12.08 AM He called me a beta. Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Mocking His Little Brother for Thinking He’s an Alpha Male

Photo Credit: Reddit

And one Reddit user said this young kid is on a dangerous path that could screw him up for life.

Screen Shot 2023 07 13 at 11.12.21 AM He called me a beta. Man Asks if He’s Wrong for Mocking His Little Brother for Thinking He’s an Alpha Male

Photo Credit: Reddit

Man, this red pill stuff is so tragic for young males.

Source: https://twistedsifter.com/2023/07/he-called-me-a-beta-man-asks-if-hes-wrong-for-mocking-his-little-brother-for-thinking-hes-an-alpha-male/