16 Times People Second-Guessed Doctors’ Advice


“I had horrific abdominal pain that I’d been trying to ignore for a while since I dislike seeing a doctor, but one morning, I woke up around 3 a.m. with a raging fever and so much pain that I started to vomit from it. I finally agreed to see a doctor, but our normal doctor was out, so my husband took me to a gynecologist that was recommended by my SIL. While waiting for my appointment, I vomited a few more times, then entered the office, doubled over in pain and sweating. The doctor pressed on my abdomen, did an ultrasound, and said, ‘Yeah, your uterus is inflamed. It happens. You’re getting older, so this is normal.’ He then prescribed Vitamin E.”

“Fast-forward three days, my husband drags me to our regular doctor since I am curled up in pain and unable to move much at all anymore (he had to help me to the bathroom). Our GP immediately puts me on antibiotics, runs tests and then tells me that basically every system in my body was severely infected, and if I’d waited one more day, I likely would have died.”

—Genesis Davies

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/audreyworboys/people-second-guessed-doctors