26 Cost-Saving Grocery Shopping Tips As Told By Budget Shoppers


“This probably sounds sadder than it actually is, but I always include what I call an ‘Infinity Meal’ in my meal plan for each week, especially if it’s close to the end of the month.”

“Basically, Infinity Meals are straightforward dishes you can make for yourself with only a couple really cheap ingredients over and over again if you have to, for sustenance. In my case, they keep me from ordering takeout or going out to eat if I’m not yet ready to shop for another week of groceries, or if I want to stretch my budget further.

This week, it was cheese quesadillas (tortillas, shredded cheese, hot sauce, and I made a little slaw with cabbage and lime juice), but the week before I did broccoli cheddar pasta (elbow pasta, shredded cheese, frozen broccoli). My rule of thumb is that they’re never more than five ingredients, and those ingredients need to cost $2 or less each.”

—Anonymous, 30, Texas

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/rossyoder/best-budget-grocery-shopping-tips-tricks