Secrets Married People Are Keeping From Their Spouses


“We are third cousins. We had a small courthouse wedding only a year and a half after we met. The whole thing was rushed because I was given a last-minute work opportunity to go to South Africa and study the marine life there for a year. The university I was working with would pay 1/4 of the cost for spouses traveling with those on the research trip. Me and my husband had already planned on getting married eventually, and we didn’t want to pass on the opportunity, or be away from each other for long. We ended up married and in South Africa within the month.”

“It wasn’t until years later when I took a DNA test and found out. When I was going through my dad’s lineage, I found someone with his great grandma’s name. My dad died when I was a kid so I don’t know anyone other than my aunt on his side of the family. I was surprised, but the more I investigated, the more I realized that we are related. Me and my husband have been married almost 12 years and I’m still too terrified to tell him.”

