Ladies, a word to the wise…

This is just my opinion, but those “mom jeans” that are back in style are not a good look.

For any of you…at all…ever…

So just stop it!

And also pay attention to these things that you might think are attractive but people are saying definitely ARE NOT.

“Try and look like Kim K or any influencer- s**t is like repellent for me.

It annoys me how much the media lets Kim K and her family decide what’s in. Like Kim lost weight to be able to fit in Marilyn Monroe’s dress (I feel like she should’ve left the dress alone, but that’s another story) and the tabloids were yelling that “skinny is back”.

I feel sorry for all young girls having to hear that, since I had to hear that as a young girl in the late 2000s and early 2010s. I did not take that well.”

“H**e on other girls that have nothing to do with them.

I dated a girl who always had something nasty to say about any girl within eyesight – got real old real quick.”

“Butt implants.

They have become so common where I live and it’s getting out of control. Looks like it’s meant to be comical in some cases like balloons under your pants.

I naturally have a big butt, and when I was younger in school, I was teased mercilessly and called buffalo butt.

Then all of a sudden it became popular, and I at first was worried people would think mine was fake too but the fake ones (whether transfer or implants etc) look soooo fake and cartoonish and usually also don’t match the body like no hips no thighs just a butt sticking out behind you like a bumper so I was like ok well now mine looks regular sized bc everyone is enhanced but at least it doesn’t look like I’m stealing Thanksgiving turkeys.”

“The relatively recent lip injection trend is just bad.

People with very thin lips doing it sparingly don’t look bad, but the majority of girls doing them either a) already have fuller lips naturally or b) overdo them, so it just looks bad.”

“Taking endless selfies.

That nonstop need for an online dopamine hit and constant need for being liked is one of the worst qualities in a person.”

“Basing your entire personality and life around your appearance.

It might be attractive in the short-term , but if you treat yourself like some kind of trophy you are just objectifying yourself.

Especially when you think that is enough and have nothing else.”

“All the filters in their selfies.

If you need to look almost unrecognizable in all of your photos, you just might have a horrible self esteem and need therapy.

Just stop taking photos if you think you need to edit every photo of yourself.”

“Whatever is going on with this thing where they draw on some Burt and Ernie eyebrows.

It looks so d**n weird.”

“Act rude and entitled.

Went to dinner with a few friends, one of them I always thought was kind of cute but OMG when I saw the way she talked to the waiter I lost all interest in her.”

“Taking off their shoes and hanging their feet out the car window while a passenger in the car.”

“Not being straightforward when communicating.

It’s like, i wanna talk to you, i dont want to solve a d**n treasure hunt just so I can understand you better.”

“Most unattractive thing anybody can do is not take personal responsibility for who they are and what they do. (ex: An inability to admit when they are wrong).

When we admit we are wrong and recognize the problem, We can start to take steps to become better by fixing the problem.”

twistedsifter on facebook What Unattractive Things Do Women Do That They Think Is Attractive? Men Spoke Up.
