Following Aussie’s abrupt exit from The Ultimatum: Queer Love, many fans wonder if the cast can really quit the show. Here’s the scoop on the process.

(l-r): Mildred and Aussie on 'The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On'
Source: Netflix

The reality show The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On is tough on its contestants. They must watch their partners date and have a “trial marriage” with someone else while also forming connections with other potential partners.

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In the spinoff The Ultimatum: Queer Love, one contestant, Aussie, abruptly left her trial marriage after entering the Netflix show with her girlfriend, Sam.

Aussie’s decision to leave was a rare move in the Ultimatum world, and some fans weren’t sure if it was even allowed.

So, can couples quit The Ultimatum: Queer Love? Let’s find out!

Aussie Chau from 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love'
Source: Netflix

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Can couples quit ‘The Ultimatum: Queer Love’? Technically, yes.

When they entered The Ultimatum, Sam and Aussie swapped with another couple — Mildred and Tiff. Although Tiff and Sam were fine during their three-week courtship, Aussie and Mildred argued over communication issues and Mildred’s frustration with Aussie asking for time to herself while living together.

Ultimately, Aussie left Mildred before their time together was supposed to end. She wrote a goodbye letter to Mildred before packing her bags and leaving. Fortunately, Aussie didn’t leave the competition altogether. During the group’s dinner to discuss their three-week trial, Aussie returned just in time to start another trial marriage with her original partner, Sam.

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(l-r): Sam and Aussie looking at each other on 'The Ultimatum: Queer Love'
Source: Netflix

While Aussie was the only one who got a head start on leaving their trial spouse, it’s not as uncommon as one would think. Although Women’s Health reported that The Ultimatum has multiple rules the cast must follow during taping, leaving their trial marriage early apparently isn’t one of them.

Even if leaving The Ultimatum early was a rule, the show’s previous casts have proven that rules can be broken. Those who watched The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On Season 1 recall two couples from the season — Alexis and Hunter and Lauren and Nate — got engaged before the show ended. While the show’s creator, Chris Coelen, told E! News that pre-show proposals aren’t a dealbreaker, it is not his nor the producers’ “intention” for the show.

The Ultimatum: Queer Love is available to stream on Netflix. The final two episodes air on June 7, 2023.
