True Friends To Lovers Stories


“It was 2006, and we met under ‘strictly platonic’ on Craigslist. He was new to my area and looking to meet new people, and I was over dating and just wanted some new friends. He was a few years older than me with a lot of baggage: kids and ex-wives. I was single, never married, and had no kids so I thought friends is all we would be. And that’s all we were for six months. We spent almost every day together just hanging out and being cool. No pressure.”

“And then, the sexual attraction/tension kicked in. One night, nature took its course. For a few months, we were friends with benefits, but then, we realized we both wanted more and didn’t want each other to be with other people. So, we made it official. We were still spending all of our time together, so we eventually moved in together. After that, we moved across the country with each other. And now, in 2023, we’ve been happily married for 13 years with two great kids, and have been together about 17 years total!”

