My response: I understand he was disappointed that he didn’t get a response after you moved your conversation off the dating app and he asked you to meet up, but I don’t like his approach of leading with aggression and accusatory language. There are gentler, kinder ways to check back in and see if the other person has interest. People get busy. He’s still a stranger at this point, so you don’t owe him your undivided attention. Chances are, he’s been ghosted/blown off before and feels jaded, and I get that. It’s really frustrating to start making progress with someone on a dating app, only for them to disappear or bail right away. But, at the same time, you don’t owe a stranger on a dating app anything!

Yes, chances are, you could have texted him back in the ~24-hour period. Even busy people check their phones. But, I don’t fault you for not! I forget about messages/notifications all the time, especially when I’m busy! I’ll respond in my head and think I actually sent a message. Or, I’ll tell myself I’ll respond later when I have more time to think. Sometimes it slips my mind! 

All of that “rationalizing” aside, you were under no obligation to respond right away, and he didn’t have to be so RUDE! I’m not sure if he thought he was going to guilt you into begging for a second chance, but clearly that didn’t work. His response is deterring. Why would you want to meet him now? I had a man on Hinge once get SO sassy with me (and send multiple attacking messages) when I didn’t answer him for about 12 hours (three messages into our entire conversation), and it happened to be the day my dog died. So, yeah, I wasn’t on Hinge a lot. It’s scary how fast men can switch up, but it’s better you saw those true colors before meeting him.

Finally, NONE of this matters at all because he clearly doesn’t stick to his own “principles” since he hit you up five weeks later to see if you’d want to grab drinks. You dodged a bullet.
