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Imฤm al-Bukhฤrฤซ became blind in his youth. He visited numerous well known and skilled doctors of his time but the treatments had no effect. His mother was a pious worshipper and a righteous woman. She cried out for help in the court of Allฤh, for her child and begged for the restoration of his eyesight. At last, the river of mercy flowed over her, and Allฤh accepted her invocation (Du’ฤ). One night, she visited Prophet Ibrฤhฤซm (peace be upon him) in a dream and was told by him:

โ€œAllฤh has restored the sight of your son because of your intense and beautiful invocations.โ€

In the morning, as Sayyidunฤ Imฤm al-Bukhฤrฤซ got up from his bed, glimmers of light reached out into his eyes. That is, his eyesight was fully restored!

Bear in mind, that every time you study แธคadฤซth, Fiqh or Tasawwuf that you are indebted to women who gave up everything so this religion could reach us today with completeness and beauty. Imฤm ash-Shฤfi’ฤซ, Imฤm al-Bukhฤrฤซ and Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qฤdir al-Jฤซlฤnฤซ were all raised by their mothers because they lost their fathers whilst they were young children โ€“ and all three of them became pillars of this religion.

[From the biography of Imฤm al-Bukhฤrฤซ in the beginning of Saแธฅฤซแธฅ al-Bukhฤrฤซ Vol. 9, English translation. Additional details were provided by Shaykh al-แธคadฤซth ‘Allฤma Ghulฤm Rasลซl Sa’ฤซdฤซ]