Quick recap: In 2019, Terry Sanderson, a retired optometrist, sued Gwyneth Paltrow for $3.1 million, later reduced to $300,000, over an incident in which he claims she “skied out of control” and crashed into him from behind, causing a “permanent traumatic brain injury” and “four broken ribs,” as well as “emotional distress and disfigurement.” The crash took place in February 2016 on a beginner’s run at the notoriously bougie Deer Valley ski resort in Park City, Utah, where a season pass costs $2,890.

In court this week, Paltrow has spent her time looking both dressed up and fed up, pursing her lips irritably while jangling around in layered gold jewelry and luxurious textiles, Izzy Ampil writes. One day, she showed up in Jeffrey Dahmer glasses. On other occasions, she’s brandished a $250 leather notebook and swigged from a giant green glass bottle of name-brand water.

Here is the white woman to end all white women, born and bred into unimaginable privilege, who has used her considerable platform primarily to spread her vision of inaccessible wealth and thinness. She bought her kids ski lessons that cost $9,000 and didn’t bat an eye. She managed to crash on a beginner’s ski run, a place where 3-year-old children regularly follow their instructors in single file without breaking anyone else’s ribs.

Whether she hit someone or she didn’t, he’s injured, and she’s unscathed, and on top of all of that, she seems basically disdainful of the whole affair. It’s a master class in performing celebrity.

Still reading, eh? Seems like you might want to get this in your inbox. No pressure though. Just some food for thought.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalee1/nashville-school-shooting-victims-florida-lgbtq-youth-march